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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
indias most wanted LERIYA 24
used most in hospital 5
mostly LIQUID 29, 30, 31
MW mostsef 9
motabag +bag 22
motel the village +hut 30
motel the village +hut & su 29
RETREAT motel/resort 28, 29
SNECMA moteurs +circle 1, 12
PARAGON PARA moth balls 5
mother 5, 32
mother & child 5, 10, 11, 20, 30, 42
mother MARY 31
mother child & circle 5, 16, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42
mother child drop & arcs 29
mother dairy +cows 5
mother land real estate 36
mother nature +sun elephant 25
mother's HORLICKS 5
mother's TOUCH +flower 25
mother's food +arcs 30, 31
mother's kitchen +building 29, 30
mother's pride HOBBY CLUB 16
ABBA'X +mother & child 25
ABROVIT-12 +mother & child 5
AMBAI +mother child & flowe 29
AUKAR HR +mother & child 35
BABY'S WORLD +mother & chil 35
BORN BABY'S +mother & child 25, 35
DIU BABY +mother & child 35
EARLY SMILE +mother & child 35
EDEN KING +mother & child 5
FAMILY CHOICE +mother child 29
GFSI mother choice 35
GINNI salt +mother & child 30
GRAND MOTHER +mother & chil 29
GUPTA HOSPITAL +mother chil 42
HAPPY MOM.IN +mother & chil 44
HEALTHY & FAIR +mother chil 5
INFANT WORLD +mother & chil 35
INFANTONE +mother & child 5
IRON MO +mother & child 5
KAELO +mother & child 35
LACTOSEN +heart mother chil 30
LADLA +mother & child 29
MANKARNIKA +mother & child 42
MATOSHREE +mother & child 42, 44
MAYON'S +mother & child 5
MERINO mother's care 5
MOTHER & CHILD +mother chil 35
MOTHER CARE +mother & child 30
MOTHER DELITE +mother child 30
MOTHER TODDLER +mother chil 41
MOTHER'S LAP +mother & chil 44
MP MOTHERLAND +mother & son 9
NIGHT RELAX +mother & child 5
NV-CAL +mother & child 5
ORALAB +mother & child 5
PARAS BLISS +mother & child 44
PARVARISH +mother & child 37
PINKOO +mother & child 5
PREMSON +mother & child 25
PYREON +sun mother & child 5
RELIANCE mother intl. 42
ROYAL sleep +mother & child 20
SACHAR +mother & child 44
SHRISTI +mother & child 41, 42
TENDER CARE +mother & child 3
THAI TV +mother & child 41
THAI salt +mother & child 30
U +mother & child 3, 44
UDAYAM +mother child & sun 44
ZODDY'S HOUSE +mother child 35
active tracker +mother chil 9
bal jivan ghutti +mother 5
healthy mother +oval 44
miracles of mother-tincture 5
save the mother EARTH +glob 5
M motherland +umbrella 18
mothers TOUCH 29
sharda motherson +buildings 16
muscle in mothin +man & tyr 12
moti se likhai HEADLINE se 16
moti si likhai headline se 16
AMUL moti 5
AMUL moti in devnagari 5
LAGU-BANDHU hire-moti 14
NSC PEARL boond main moti 7
SUNIL VINELA moti chhap 30
TARA moti +flag & oval 34
USHA moti jheel ak 12
CINE MAX motion pictures 35
ENACT motion pictures +cros 41
IMPA indian motion picture 42
ITW motion 12
M motion +arcs 6
motion 42
SPOTBOY motion picture 9, 38
SPOTBOY motion pictures 25, 42
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